Thursday, July 7

Guys fall for bitches; Girls fall for assholes


Well to take a line from He's Just Not That Into You its because we all love the drama. We all love the thought that we can be that one person who is gonna change their ways. The constant give an take and try and "fighting for the one we love" adds some excitement to our lives. We know that its wrong, and in some cases unhealthy, but we feed on the chaos it brings. One of my closest guy friends once described the "love of his life" as someone who he feed off the chaos. He enjoyed the fighting and the drama, or so he said. At the end of the day he got tired of it and they ended things for good. Still too this day he contemplates going back to her because he says life is "boring" without her. 

The world needs to watch He's Just Not That Into You. I think everyone would learn some amazing things. We don't need to through ourselves at every available male/female. You don't have to settle for something that you don't want. Don't be afraid to be a jerk if you know that you are with someone and your feelings change. Be honest. Stay honest. Trust your heart and never ever settle for anything less than YOU want.


1 comment:

  1. Preach it girl!! Love your blog, keep it up!! The world needs more people like you that aren't afraid to speak the truth!
