Monday, June 20

So I don't understand "boys"

I don't get it. Why is it that immature little boys want to sit here and feed me bullshit about how bad they want me? Was I not good enough when you cheated on me? But I am now? Ya right. Well I guess I can see the appeal, for a long time I was that desperate little girl who didn't know how to stand up to a guy because I was craving the acceptance of a man to know I was beautiful. I put up with so much shit; I was checked on many times, used, abused, and who knows what else.
But no more. No longer am I just going to sit around and just let shit happen. I'm not gonna let myself be taken advantage of and then complain about it later, that's how my window was cracked. I'm taking a hold of my own life, and not caring about making every one on the planet happy. I am not as alone as I think I am.
Case in point, Jason fucking Meisler. Who does he think he is, calling whenever the hell he pleases. Calling me because he loves me and misses, because he wants to talk. Its crap, and he knows it. I'm not gonna chase around some guy who in all honesty, means nothing to me at this point. The entire relationship was nothing but a facade, something fake. Something I thought was really because I was so lonely and desperate I needed it to be real. Not any more, and he knows it. No longer am I gonna play this little "game." I'm not gonna bend over every time he says too. I am done. I'm done being that girl, done making myself the victim.

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