Tuesday, June 21

Just Another Random Day

So I must say I am really impressed with myself. I have stuck strong to the workout that I started and I am feeling happier and healthier already. This blog is really helping. Its nice to have a place were I can just ramble about anything I want. Mom is still drinking, and since I missed the aftermath of my aunt I'm in a very carefree mood. My sister and I haven't killed each other yet on our morning walks, and short of always wanting to take naps I love being up and feeling better, it's refreshing.

So I'm watching He's Just Not That in to You and I love watching it because it reminds me that I don't have to be this desperate girl attaching myself to anything that moves. Yes, sadly I am a Gigi, lol. Well maybe not sadly, It's just a part of life. Every girl, at some point, is a Gigi. Every girl goes through the phase of seeking out "the one." Well I may be taking baby steps away from being a Gigi, I will never forget the feelings. That intense longing, that need to be wanted, loved by someone; not the love of a parent, sibling, or a family, but the loving that comes only from one person who is longing for you as much as you are longing for them.

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