Friday, June 24


just a heads up I added a few things to this blog. first off I now have tabs on my page that will take you to a few new places...

  • "my thoughts" is basically a place to keep track of all the things i say. not everything is gonna be put in there but the little things are most-likely gonna make it there. the memorable thing for me.
  • "talk to me(:" is a live chat with me! (: just a place where we can talk, or you can leave me a comment that isn't necessary about a specific post i have on here. just an easier way to connect with you. I left the comments enabled in case you have any questions that you wanted answered about the chat page or any of the codes i use on my profile. thing of it as my kind of "live support" section of my blog lol ok that was corny i know lol 
  • "30 day challenges" is a place where you can find the links to the challenges i have done, am doing, or will be doing in the future. the challenges are the very first thing posted so if you want to do a challenge with me you are more than welcome(: oh and just an fyi, not all of the challenges are 30 days so just kinda keep that in mind(:
thanks everyone for even taking the time to check out my blog(: 


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