Monday, June 27

how often I write

I love how I write only when I am in desperate need of something to do. I would love to think that I would have the motivation to write about something everyday but I sadly I don't. I love how I think that my head is filled with so much nonsense that I could ramble on for days but apparently it's not. So here I with my 2 best friends, watching Harry Potter. Such is the life I lead. Most day I would find this really boring (not the Harry Potter part) but since today is the first day in a long time that I have had real company in who knows how long, I rather enjoy this little change of pace. And on that note I think I shall let y'all go for now. Chat with ya soon!(:


  1. I'm the same way. I want to write more and sometimes I will have something to say until I sit down to say it. Then.... Gone. You write a lot more than I do!! You go girl!! Keep it up!! I am enjoying your journey!

  2. I hear you. Writing is a discipline. It's hard. I can spend hours looking for motivation, but then when I find it, the words come fast. Thanks for following Appletree. I love your blog.
